Overwintered – Spring Stock

Hotlifted – Summer Stock


  • Grown in a greenhouse from February / March and harvested in October / November
  • After harvest, stored overwinter in our cold storage facilities to maintain temperature
  • Thawed in May / June
  • Planted within 1-7 days of thawing
  • Grown in a greenhouse starting in January / February and harvested in July / August
  • Harvested while actively growing (hot-lifted)
  • Planted as soon as possible

What happens in the first year?

The seedling initially has a short period of root growth before the bud breaks and the plant uses most of its resources for shoot growth

No shoot growth during the year of plant, most of the plant’s resources are used for root production


  • Trees are dormant at the time of planting
  • Makes use of higher soil moisture in spring
  • Competition on planting site has not greened up at time of planting making finding suitable planting sites easier
  • The seedling grows taller in the same year as planting allowing the seedling to compete more effectively for light
  • Can plant sites that were too wet or inaccessible in the spring
  • Better drought resistance for first year following planting as the seedling’s resources are put into root growth
  • Better for areas with late spring frosts as no new soft supple shoot elongation occurs in first year that could be frost damaged
  • Can extend the planting season relative to using spring trees alone
  • Trees can be held over till following year as spring stock plans change


  • Spring weather can be erratic which can delay planting
  • Sites may be too wet or otherwise inaccessible in the spring
  • Spring seedlings are highly susceptible to late spring frosts
  • Must be planted by June 15th to allow seedling to complete growth cycle and develop frost hardiness before first fall frost
  • New spring shoot growth is susceptible browsing by wildlife
  • Moisture may be unreliable in the summer
  • No height growth in the first year
  • Seedlings are undergoing active root growth at time of planting so careful stock handling must be practiced avoiding planting shock
  • Finding suitable planting spots may be more difficult as planting occurs after competing vegetation has greened up

Earliest plant date

As soon as the ground is thawed and after the risk of late spring frosts has past, usually around May 15th

As soon as the trees are ready in the greenhouse, usually around July 1st

Latest plant date

No later than the middle of June because:

  • Even though the trees are dormant while in freezer storage, they are still alive and consuming carbohydrates. If they are planted beyond the middle of June they will have used up too many carbohydrates in storage and may be too weak to grow roots and flush effectively
  • Spring seedlings also require enough time after flushing to complete their growth cycle and harden off before the first fall frost

No later than the middle of August because:

  • Seedling roots must have enough time to grow into the surrounding soil before the onset of winter
  • Late planted trees are subject to winter desiccation (dry winter air can damage the trees) as the seedlings have less root development into the surrounding soil and therefore poorer tissue moisture

Tree Time Services